Fifty Years

Fifty years. Fifty… years.  That sounds like a long time (I suppose it is). As a new member of this half-century club of life, I’ll reflect on what it means to me. Maybe, you can relate as you reflect on your own journey…

 We live life in seasons.  Everyone’s seasons are unique, and mine look like this.

1) Childhood & school: friends, family, and sports deeply influenced me

2) Independence: moving to Texas (alone), learning to live on my own, finding my faith, developing new friendships, challenges of beginning a career.

3) Shared life: sharing life with another, parenthood, career successes and failures, travel, career change

4) Empty nesting:  balancing new life dynamics, growth as a therapist

Each season of life has included moments of intense joy, as well as moments of struggle.

 Gratitude matters. Living in the season with appreciation for what you have may be one of the secrets of happiness. Sometimes I can do this and I don’t want change. After moving to Dallas, I met some amazing people (including my future wife) and I really appreciate that time. Life can change things on a dime. Cancer has impacted family around me more times that I care to count. At other times, the next season couldn’t come soon enough! There have been times when I felt so stuck in a job, unable to focus because I wanted something to change.

 Emotions matter. I do believe that a life lived is emotional. All emotions matter, including the ones that hurt. If you choose to love, you will also grieve. Loss is hard, and I know life will continue to include losses. If you choose to push yourself, you will fail (maybe often). I certainly have had my share of failures, and in a way they shape me.

 People matter. I’m grateful for every single interaction over the last fifty years, and I appreciate how they have impacted my life. I appreciate family and friends who choose to share their lives with me. I’m truly blessed and privileged to have the trust of my clients, and to be welcomed into their lives. I pray that each of you feel that gratitude for people in your life.

 I don’t know how this happened… but not only is this my 50th year on earth, but this also happens to be my 50th blog. I’ve enjoyed sharing my thoughts over the last few years.  Thank you for taking the time to read them!!




