Mental Health Video Series

This month, instead of writing a blog, I’m sharing a program that I refreshed this month.

It’s a four-part Mental Health Video Series available at no cost! In the program, I discuss understanding negative emotions, challenging negative thinking, self-acceptance, and improving communication during conflict.  

The program is an interactive experience with therapeutically backed concepts. The techniques and activities support learning and practical use.  In each session, I introduce a practical, therapeutic tool developed by Dr. David D Burns, and provide space to practice using the tool with a provided worksheet.

I also added a fifth session which pulls our Christian faith into the mental health areas called “What the Bible Says.” I draw connections between our mental health and teachings of Jesus.

You can complete the program online as an individual or use the sessions as weekly topics in a group setting. If your organization has a group that would benefit from the learnings and techniques, please let me know!  I am also able to come out and deliver the program in person for a small fee.  

Click here to access the Mental Health Video Series.  

Please give me feedback on what you think and additional topics you’d like me to cover!!


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Where does negative self-talk come from?