Simplify your life with Faith, Love, and Health

A new year is a time for reflection around priorities and why I do what I do.  Sometimes I find that I’ve focused too much on choices (what I should do), and less around my purpose (why) which inevitably leads to failure. Its why new year’s resolutions don’t work.  For example, is faith who I am (my purpose), or does it feel more like keeping score? Do I make healthy choices out of habit or because I’m counting calories and steps?  Do I do for others because it feels good or out of obligation? I’ll give you a hint… when I compare myself to others, I’m probably keeping score.  Learning to make faith, love, health, and other meaningful endeavors who I am, makes day-to-day choices easier.  

Let’s explore living in faith. It may help to think about what the opposite looks like. Often, people think of religion restricts free thinking. Sadly, for many this is true. Many people treat faith as a checklist that they must follow. “Went to church, check, forgave others, check, didn’t steal, check, prayed, check.”  It’s a mindset of “earning” your way into God’s grace. Trying to earn God’s grace puts pressure on every choice I make (leading to feeling controlled). I can simplify this by focusing on my purpose (my faith) and those choices become clearer (WWJD right?). Learning this has been a journey for me.  

Here is a thought… if you are going to church out of obligation… don’t. Instead, pray on why you go to church, and go when you are ready to allow God into your life. God’s grace isn’t an obligation to earn, it’s a gift we receive by allowing Him into our lives. In truth, we get distracted, we get lost, and sometimes we fail. Life is hard and we need God most when we are lost. However, if I’m just keeping score, I run from God when I need Him most out of fear of disappointing Him.

Similarly, being in a healthy relationship is simpler when we focus on the relationship as a gift, not an obligation. Sometimes, relationships become a checklist of who does what (leading to feeling controlled). Reflect on why you choose to be in the relationship. Choose to live in love and let go of blame, criticism, and defensiveness because the score doesn’t matter when it’s not a competition. This perspective requires trust and vulnerability. You are choosing to consider your partners needs equally.

I’ve also found making healthy choices easier when focused on a healthy lifestyle. Diets don’t work because they are a checklist of obligations (rules). Nutritionally, there is nothing wrong with most diets. It’s the approach that we take that leads to failure (once again feeling controlled).  Focusing on a healthy lifestyle allows freedom to choose healthy (and occasionally unhealthy) foods and activities. Instead of skipping dessert because I must, I skip dessert because I’m a healthy person.

Living in faith, love, and in health can be empowering choices to make. These perspectives require sacrifice, but they simplify life and empower us to live our best life!


Why we forgive..


(Not) Seeing Stars